The implementation of surgical safety checklists (SSCs) at a tertiary care hospital was associated with a reduced risk of death within 90 days after surgery, but not within 30 days, according to a study published online by JAMA Surgery. Hospital length of stay was reduced after implementation of SSCs.

Inpatients worldwide may expect a 30-day mortality of 1.5% after noncardiac surgery, depending on the region where surgery is performed, the surgical procedure, and the patients’ other health conditions. Implementation of surgical safety checklists (SSCs) has been found to reduce the incidence of perioperative complications and 30-day mortality.

Checklists aim to reduce risk and prevent patient harm by recognizing high-risk situations and optimizing communication, by minimizing the incidence of errors, and by improving latent conditions. The association of the introduction of SSCs with 90-day mortality has been unclear.