Oximeter and Sensor in One
Nonin Medical Inc, Minneapolis, introduces ipod™, an OEM fingertip pulse oximeter and reusable adult finger-clip sensor combined in one compact, self-contained unit. It provides manufacturers with a means of adding pulse oximetry to medical devices without the time, space, and financial constraints inherent in typical “board plus sensor” models. The ipod also offers low-power requirements and ease of integration. Additional Nonin products include the low-power OEM II Module and the Xpod® external pulse oximeter. (800) 356-8874; www.nonin.com.

 Heliox Delivery System
The Critical Care Division of VIASYS Healthcare Inc, Palm Springs, Calif, has received FDA approval for its heliox delivery system. This feature is now available from the AVEA Ventilator System, the first critical care ventilator designed to deliver heliox gas. Practitioners can deliver any desired concentration of heliox with ease and accuracy to aid in the treatment of patients with airway obstruction or severe bronchospasm. AVEA uses a patented “Smart” connector to accept an 80/20-heliox supply. All volumes (numeric and graphic) are automatically compensated for accurate display, eliminating cumbersome bedside calculations. (800) 328-4139; www.viasyshealthcare.com.  

 Handheld Pulse Oximeters
Datex-Ohmeda, Madison, Wis, offers the TuffSat® handheld pulse oximeter, a spot-check solution for hospital, home care, transport, and EMS. It is now available with Relative Perfusion Index™ for easy identification of signal quality. With this quantitative value, users can compare the strength of the pulse signal at different sites on a patient and locate the best site for the sensor (the site with the strongest pulse signal). The portable TuffSat offers visibility and one-handed operation. (800) 345-2700; www.us.datex-ohmeda.com.

 Nasal Cannula CPAP Interface
VIASYS Healthcare Inc’s HomeCare Group, Yorba Linda, Calif, is now the distributor for the Spiritus™ nasal cannula CPAP interface, which offers comfortable, convenient, quiet therapy without a mask and headgear. The cannula is designed to use a larger bore tubing that is approximately 1/3 the length of competitive products.

Soft and lightweight, the Spiritus features a built-in swivel for easy movement. Because there are no tubes over the ears, it eliminates sleep disruption due to sound, and there are no pressure points to interfere with various sleeping positions. Available in three sizes, it features single-strap headgear to allow users to wear glasses during use. (800) 231-2466; www.viasyshealthcare.com.

 Pediatric Ergometer
VacuMed, Ventura, Calif, introduces the Pediatric Ergometer with adjustable handle bar and saddle height and adjustable length pedal cranks for children 6 and older. It includes an earlobe pulse sensor and electromagnetic braking. In the isopower mode, the workload remains constant. TurboFit Windows software is available for computer control of the ergometer and recording of test data. A digital display panel shows pulse rate, pedal cadence, exercise time, estimated calorie consumption, and workload in torque and watts. Workload can be adjusted manually, via computer with the optional RS232 interface, or via preprogrammed training modes. The ergometer also features a printer that records five key biofeedback functions every 30 seconds and an emergency shut-off safety system. (800) 235-3333; www.vacumed.com.

 Endotracheal Tube Attachment Device
Hollister Inc, Libertyville, Ill, offers E-TAD, an alternative to adhesive tape for securing oral endotracheal tubes. The design of this device gives clinicians control and flexibility in both surgery and critical care settings. The moveable shuttle allows respiratory therapists and nurses to quickly and easily reposition the tube. In addition, the latex-free E-TAD protects patients from skin irritation and helps minimize the possibility of pressure-sore formation on the lips with the help of the positive-locking tube clamp. As an added benefit, patients’ families may find the appearance of E-TAD more reassuring than taping. (847) 680-1000; www.hollister.com.