Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) selected the Newport HT50 Ventilator from Newport Medical Instruments, Costa Mesa, Calif, for their H1N1 flu and disaster preparedness requirements. The HT50 provides complete ventilation capabilities for pediatric to adult patients in a completely mobile unit.

With the HT50’s Dual Pac internal battery system, the primary battery allows up to 10 hours of operation. When the “battery low” alarm sounds, a secondary internal battery kicks in to provide a minimum of 30 minutes of operation. This feature is designed to enhance patient safety, particularly in emergency applications.

According to Newport Medical, after extensive research and a lengthy competitive bidding process, the PWGSC ordered 398 sets of the HT50 ventilators. These will be added to the existing stockpile of HT50 ventilators that were purchased in 2006.