KCUR public radio (Kansas City, Mo) reports on the extra efforts farmers are taking to keep bird flu from infecting their livestock.

Those kinds of biosecurity measures are not necessarily new, but on poultry farms throughout the Midwest they have taken on new significance in the wake of the 2015 outbreak. Roger Dudley, who tracks livestock disease as the animal epidemiologist for the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, says biosecurity in 2015 was on many farms often overlooked and flawed.

Now, Dudley says, feed trucks are often sprayed down with disinfectant when they arrive at the farm, workers are forced to change boots and some have to shower and change clothes before they go in.

“Biosecurity has to be everybody,” Dudley says. “It’s the feed truck drivers, the rodent control guys that show up. Everybody has to be involved in biosecurity in order to make it work.

Read the whole story at www.kcur.org