The results of a new study suggest doing 30 minutes of exercise every day can relieve the symptoms of asthma in adults. For the study, researchers analyzed levels of physical activity in 643 participants diagnosed with asthma. The results of the study showed that those who engaged in optimal levels of physical activity on a regular basis were almost two and a half times more likely to have good control of their symptoms when compared with those who did no exercise.

Simon Bacon, lead author of the study, says the workout does not have to be strenuous. Bacon explains, “We’re not talking about running marathons here. Just 30 minutes a day of walking, riding a bike, doing yoga — anything active, really — can result in significant reduction of asthma symptoms.”

People with the condition have typically been discouraged from exercising because of a belief that it can trigger attacks or shortness of breath, but Bacon says simple precautionary measures can be taken to avoid the discomforts that can be caused by physical activity.

“The issue of exercise-induced bronchospasm is real — but if you use your reliever medication, blue puffer, before you exercise, and then take the time to cool down afterwards, you should be okay,” Bacon says. “Even if you have asthma, there’s no good reason not to get out there and exercise.”

Of the sample group of 643 individuals, 245 reported doing no physical activity and only 100 said they engaged in the optimal 30 minutes a day, as reported by Science Newsline.

Bacon states, “Our study shows that those who were able to engage in physical activity on a regular basis year-round benefit most. It would be great to see physicians recommending physical activity to patients with asthma, alongside traditional pharmacological treatments.”

Source: Science Newsline